Friday, February 26, 2010

It's Called A Killer Whale For A Reason. . .

Horror has struck again. A killer whale at Seaworld attacked and killed one of it's trainers. The 12,000 pound whale caught hold of the trainer and thrashed her around until she drowned, witnesses say. There is much speculation as to what to do with the whale. I thought it was obvious. . .
It is a show whale that has caused three deaths. Is there anything to be said for the old line, "Three strikes and you're out"? Humans don't get that sympathy. Granted the other deaths had questionable circumstances, but this was one of Seaworld's most experienced trainers. I would question a person's reasoning for wanting to be around anything whose name involved "killer". Knowing that this particular killer had killed before, I would have no interest at all in it's involvement. There are trainers willing to go back in the pool with that whale. I don't understand.
This is a wild creature. When you take it out of it's natural surroundings, anything is possible. Shame on us for using this whale for entertainment. From this standpoint, we can't blame the whale. I am not sure, but releasing this whale to it's natural habitat would probably kill it, as it would never survive. Again, not it's fault. Would it really be inhumane to kill it? I don't know. How many more people will it kill? Whales live for sixty years. I'd much rather see the whale go than a human.
The only hope for it, is to keep it as a stud. It is the only male whale they have. If temperament is genetic, what good is it? We are then creating more killer whales. I can't stress the killer part enough. What were people thinking when they thought it was a good idea to swim with a killer whale? Would you climb into a tank with a poisonous spider, or a grizzly bear? I sure wouldn't.
The question has become what to do. I don't mean to sound heartless. but I'm not so sure that it is safe to keep this whale alive. If we can't set him free, and he is a danger to people, what options do we have?

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