Sunday, April 25, 2010

Happy Thoughts. . .

I just need to acknowledge the great people that give me something to smile about. It is fairly well known that I waitress on the weekends. One of my co-workers is an incredible person. She has sixteen year old quadruplets, whose father left just weeks after their birth. She has great kids. I could only hope that a portion of today's kids turn out half as great as these four.

Occasionally, one of her kids will come in and help out at the restaurant. Today, her son Lucas came in. Lucas is a great kid. At the start of this school year, I had him in an English class I was subbing for. He introduced himself and said his future goal was to go into politics so that he could help get child support laws changed, so that single moms wouldn't have to work so hard. What sixteen year old thinks of this? Today, Lucas worked with us. He was working to donate his pay to St. Baldricks. Our employer matched his pay for donation. This is the same kid, who at Christmas didn't want gift, he wanted to send care packages to soldiers i Iraq.

Hats off to his mother. All four of her kids are wonderful. It makes me happy to think that our future is including great kids like these. It was just something that made me smile for the day. In today's world, we need all of the smiles we can get.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Happy Ho!liday! WHAT?!?!?!?!

As I was told this morning in my first hour class, "Happy Holiday!" What?! I was completely caught off guard. Now, I've been around the block and I know that 4/20 is similar to a National Pot Smoking Day. I do not understand it, or condone it, but the students today were awful hyped up about it. 420, 4:20 or 4/20, is a number used by many to denote smoking marijuana and pot. Apparently, this was start in the seventies by hippies who would meet at 4:20 in the afternoon to gather and smoke pot. How on Earth this came to be an "unofficial holiday" is beyond me.

I was shocked and sickened by the number of students walking around and discussing their plans for after school. Are they crazy? I interrupted a conversation out of my own curiosity. Apparently, some brownies and cookies have been made with pot for this party. Where on Earth do you bake these without your parents smelling them? Or don't they smell? I just returned from a week in Jamaica (where marijuana is plentiful), and that smell is horrific and gives me an instant headache.

So in all reality, it is just an excuse to smoke marijuana. Some people used the day to lobby for the legalization of the drug. In a poll conducted by the Associated Press and CNBC, 55 percent of Americans oppose legalizing marijuana and only 33 percent support it. Those numbers flip flopped for people under 30 with 54 percent in favor of legalizing the drug and 39 percent against. So all in all, it is an excuse for young people to use drugs.

I would have thought the police or the school deans would have been a little more aware of what was happening today. I overheard kids saying they would be getting so high that they wouldn't make it to school tomorrow. Yet, year after year, this "holiday" continues. These people probably already use on a fairly regular basis, but now it becomes a party a friends are introduced to it. I must say, it is really a frightening day.

Friday, April 9, 2010

How long are you going to wait????

My husband and I are leaving for Jamaica on Sunday. I have been packed for over a week. He still has not begun packing. Yes, I admit to being a little obsessive-compulsive, but we are going to a country in which I do not know If I can buy whatever I forget.
I packed a week ago. I have already unpacked and repacked to make sure I have everything. I even pack an extra toothbrush. I am a bit neurotic. I have an entire bag dedicated to emergency medical. It has band aids, antibiotic ointment, antibiotics, pain pills, and even temporary tooth filling material. This is just some of the contents. I know it sounds crazy, but it costs about twelve dollars for a box of band aids in a gift shop, so I have them. Once, while in Mexico, my husband paid fifteen dollars for a pair of nail clippers. So, I have everything but the kitchen sink.
He, on the other hand, has nothing. Now, keep in mind, that I pack everything but his personal belongings. I have all the necessary shower items and tanning lotions, etc. . . I keep bugging him to get moving. Last night, he did look in his closet and try on a pair of khaki shorts. Go figure, they didn't fit. So now, it is Friday night, and we have a big date at Kohl's. I know he will wait until Saturday night to really pack. It just makes me crazy.
I admit, I am a little extreme, but what causes others to be so lackadaisical? Not just in packing, but in every day life. Why put off what you can do today?

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Illinois - the we don't care about the people state

We are in serious need of fixing our state. Due to lack of funds for education, The Philip J. Rock Center and School will run out of money to pay it's employees. The school is a year-round residential program located in Glen Elyn. It opened in 1978 and houses legally blind and deaf people, as well as severely disabled people, through the age of 21. It is the only blind-deaf school in the state.
The director of the school says that the program is 100% funded by the government. With the government cutting back, the school will close. The school provides education, therapy, and even housing to some students. The state owes the center 1.7 million dollars, which is half of it's annual funding. It makes me sick to think that these students will have to turn elsewhere. Fourteen of them live at the center. Their families are faced with the problem of trying to find care and education for their children. Doesn't every person have a right to an education? Or is that taken away when you are blind and deaf, and the government doesn't care about you?
How about a charitable donation? School districts that have $3.7 million to spend on football turf should step up. Not that they should have to, but let's be realistic. Our country can raise ridiculous amounts of money to send to other countries in need, but our state can't provide the money that is due to our much needed schools. It's really time that we find a good honest leader for our country. We need to cut out the nonsense in America and start to improve our government and country.

The turf is green - but 3.7 million dollars of green?

Seriously, a school district can afford $3.7 million for artificial football turf? School district 230 strikes again. They have approved this spending for it's three high schools. Andrew, Stagg, and Sandburg High School will all be getting new synthetic turfs. Again, an educational institution spending a heck of a lot of money on non-educational things.
The purpose of the turf is to replace the grass which requires a lot of maintenance. I understand the idea of saving on maintenance, but how long will it take to recover the $3.7 million that is needed upfront? The downfalls of keeping the grass is that it can get muddy can cause rescheduling of football games. Is this the end of the world? Probably not. The schools have had grass and maintained it up until this point, but now, when our economic situation is in ruins, the school can budget $3.7 million. I just don't understand.
School board member's have a weak defense. They state that the field can be used for other things, like graduations, etc. . . Have they seen the sizes of the graduating classes from their schools? I would love to see all of Sandburg's seniors on the football field with their families in the stands. It's not a likely scenario. This is why they graduate out of larger places such as the Midwest Amplitheater or Rialto Theater. They also claim they will rent the turf out to the community and it will create revenue. Like everything. turf will eventually have wear and tear. .. . who will be responsible? The schools. That's what you get for renting out space. . you are the keeper and the landlord. Therefore, you are the responsible party. I can't say I agree with this approved spending.
I've heard students complaining about this as well. They want air-conditioning for their gyms. This somehow seems more reasonable. I can tell you from experience, that packing all of Andrew High School into the gym on the first day of school with no air is unpleasant. Not only the gyms, but some of the classrooms at Andrew and Stagg have serious heating and cooling problems. Wouldn't it make more sense to correct some of these issues before throwing out the green for turf?

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Please, let it be someone with good english. . .

Okay, I love English Language Learners, I really do. I have written fabulous things about them. I think they are wonderful and inspirational. but I do have a hang up. Until they have progresses far enough in their communication skills, they should not be given jobs that require communication! Just in the past two days, I have had several issues.
My first problem occurred with my insurance company. I had a question regarding a medical claim that was denied. I dialed Blue Cross/Blue Shield in the City of Chicago. The majority of the conversation was comprised of "What?" and "Pardon?" Even after explaining my question, I don't think it was understood. The bits and pieces of information that I did understand did not even come close to answering my question. I got so frustrated I called back and thankfully someone else answered the phone.
Next, I was at Governors State University, working on a paper for a class. I was having an issue trying to get the header and the page number to stay in place at the same time. They kept voiding each other out. I went to the help desk., A very nice young Indian man nodded like he understood. He went o my computer and I explained again and showed him my problem,. Well lets just say I understood nothing but "Hmm..." He walked away and came back with a handout on APA style writing. Thanks, but I had the whole Manuel next to the computer.
My third problem came while trying to find out information about a construction loan. I called several banks and was redirected to toll free numbers. I have no idea where I was calling, because I don't think it was anywhere in America. I had a heck of a time trying to interpret what the woman was asking. I don't think I should go along with any terms of a loan that I couldn't understand.
Really, I am trying to be nice. I am sure all of these people were intelligent, but they need a job that doesn't require them to actually speak directly to people. Could they work via computer, or do a different job?

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Do They Give Degrees in Fearing For Your Future?

This is supposed to be an exciting time in the lives of college graduates. I am seriously getting the impression that it is not. With thousands of students graduating from college in Illinois this year, they face the reality of the real world - and a disaster of an economy. I have spoken with two student teachers this week that are convinced they will not be teaching this upcoming year. I know people that are graduating with an MBA, and are going to continue waiting tables. What does our future hold for these graduates?
Look at it from an employers standpoint. 4,500 applicants for one single job opening. Of course, there are always employers who will look to hire someone for the least salary possible, but experience is priceless. Many college graduates are leaving schools with little or no job experience at all. Do they even have work ethics? I am sure they will work for less money, but will their lack of experience cost the company in the long run? Hiring someone who has experience lessens the risk of errors caused by lack of background and experience. This, however, will cost you in the pocketbook. Those people with experience have a lot more to offer a company from education, training or on the job skills. This experience is going to cost the employer some money. So, which way is the right way to go?
I am currently earning a Masters In Education. Is it the wrong thing to do while seeking employment still? Will a school turn me away due to my education affecting my salary? Will this put a hitch in the education system? Who wants to go to school and earn a degree that they can't use? Who will continue their education in a field where they cannot get a foot in the door? Hopefully, our economy will turn around soon In May, the unemployed work force will grow yet again. College graduates are eager to get married, have kids, and start families. Are they supposed to do this while paying back their college loans on their "burger flipping" salary? The next few years of graduates are really going to have to market themselves. What is it that they will do to make themselves stand out in that group of 4,500 applicants?