Sunday, April 25, 2010

Happy Thoughts. . .

I just need to acknowledge the great people that give me something to smile about. It is fairly well known that I waitress on the weekends. One of my co-workers is an incredible person. She has sixteen year old quadruplets, whose father left just weeks after their birth. She has great kids. I could only hope that a portion of today's kids turn out half as great as these four.

Occasionally, one of her kids will come in and help out at the restaurant. Today, her son Lucas came in. Lucas is a great kid. At the start of this school year, I had him in an English class I was subbing for. He introduced himself and said his future goal was to go into politics so that he could help get child support laws changed, so that single moms wouldn't have to work so hard. What sixteen year old thinks of this? Today, Lucas worked with us. He was working to donate his pay to St. Baldricks. Our employer matched his pay for donation. This is the same kid, who at Christmas didn't want gift, he wanted to send care packages to soldiers i Iraq.

Hats off to his mother. All four of her kids are wonderful. It makes me happy to think that our future is including great kids like these. It was just something that made me smile for the day. In today's world, we need all of the smiles we can get.

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