Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Please, let it be someone with good english. . .

Okay, I love English Language Learners, I really do. I have written fabulous things about them. I think they are wonderful and inspirational. but I do have a hang up. Until they have progresses far enough in their communication skills, they should not be given jobs that require communication! Just in the past two days, I have had several issues.
My first problem occurred with my insurance company. I had a question regarding a medical claim that was denied. I dialed Blue Cross/Blue Shield in the City of Chicago. The majority of the conversation was comprised of "What?" and "Pardon?" Even after explaining my question, I don't think it was understood. The bits and pieces of information that I did understand did not even come close to answering my question. I got so frustrated I called back and thankfully someone else answered the phone.
Next, I was at Governors State University, working on a paper for a class. I was having an issue trying to get the header and the page number to stay in place at the same time. They kept voiding each other out. I went to the help desk., A very nice young Indian man nodded like he understood. He went o my computer and I explained again and showed him my problem,. Well lets just say I understood nothing but "Hmm..." He walked away and came back with a handout on APA style writing. Thanks, but I had the whole Manuel next to the computer.
My third problem came while trying to find out information about a construction loan. I called several banks and was redirected to toll free numbers. I have no idea where I was calling, because I don't think it was anywhere in America. I had a heck of a time trying to interpret what the woman was asking. I don't think I should go along with any terms of a loan that I couldn't understand.
Really, I am trying to be nice. I am sure all of these people were intelligent, but they need a job that doesn't require them to actually speak directly to people. Could they work via computer, or do a different job?

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