Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Are Those Things Just Painted On?

Hello? Are those things painted on? I find myself asking this question more and more. Come to find out, it's not just me. I've noticed lately that people are just ignoring others when being spoken to. I don't now if their minds are focused on economic hardships, or if the entire world is in a dreamy state, but "Hello!!! I'm talking to you!!"

For instance, when I am substitute teaching, I usually do not know enough of the kids to visually take attendance, so we do role call. The room is dead silent, the only voices are mine (calling names) and a single student (saying "here"). It goes something like this: "Mike?" "Here." "Jenny?" "Here." "Tom?" no response. "Tom Robinson - not here." "Alex?" "Here." "Jorge?" "Here." "Did you call Tom Robinson? Because I'm here." Well, let's see, I called your name twice, you did not answer. You don't have a hearing problem, and the room was quiet. PAY ATTENTION! I've spoken to other substitutes who laugh about this same problem.

When I'm not substituting, I am a waitressat a pancake house. Here is that scenario. "Good Morning, how is everyone today?" Four blank stares. Okay, maybe they need some coffee to open there eyes and ears. "Would you like coffee or something to drink?" Hello walls. is anyone listening? I have literally walked back into the kitchen and asked other people if there is something on my face, or a reason people are just giving me blank stares instead of responses. They assure me there is nothing on me, and people have just been in their own worlds. I'm not asking anyone to be overwhelmingly nice, but could they say yes, even if they forget the please?

Then there's ,y husband. As stories go, husbands have tuned out their wives voices. "What day do you have hockey this week?" Hello? Maybe I should talk to the dog. At least he's looking at me. "Hello?!" "Oh. did you say something?"

I can't help but wonder. I don't think my voice has changed, or I am hard to hear. If anything, I am accused of being loud. So, I just don't get it. I see two ears, but I am wondering of they work. . .

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