Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Four Day School Weeks. . Sounds Great - Or Does It?

The state of Illinois is considering four day school weeks for students. It sounds wonderful in many ways until we really think it out. Having a four day weeek would mean that students have longer hours on those four days. The object is to save money on transportation, building operating costs, etc. Still, one would think that less school and less work time for teachers would be great, but it's not all that it's cracked up to be.
From the student's standpoint, less school in any way is usually a bonus. Think about the teacher you dislike most. Now, instead of spending fifty minutes in their class, you will spend ninety. Will you survive?Remember how it would really stink to have football practice or a game after school? Well, if you are in school until 5:00 insteaf of 3:00, you will be getting home from practice at 8:30 instead of 6:30. Since you spent an hour and a half in each class going over new material, I am sure you have a lot of homework. After school job? No way. You would spend nine hours in school and rush off to work a few hours that remain in the day. This is not leaving much for your social life. Sure you will have a three day weekend, but let's be realistic. I've seen the zombie in some off you after long weekends. You can't get it together. In addition to a longer school day, there is talk of a shorter summer break. True, summer break was intended so that the children could help out on the farm. I am willing to bet that most students do not live on farms, but they sure do enjoy their summers off. You won't anymore.
Teachers, it's not looking too sunny either. Lesson plans galore. You will need to ensure that you can keep yor students busy for one and a half hours. Some teachers are used to block scheduling, but many are not. Plans that you have used over the years will need revamping. This also means that daling little Johnny, who drives you crazy, in your 3rd period class will be sure to give you a pounding headache when you almost double the time you spend with him. Will you have a nervous breakdown? A longer day at school means that you will need someone to take care of your own children while you are away longer each day. Do you still want to coach sports? You will be living at he school more than at your own home. I know, as a teacher, I love my summer vacation. Sometimes we need it to refuel our batteries for the upcoming school year.
It is only a proposed idea, but I can't see it getting too far. Going to a four day week would bring problems for working parents to find childcare for younger students on the fifth day. Are all kids supposed to go to the doctor and dentist on Fridays now? They will be closed by the time the school day is over. If the state of Illinois would get their act together and do their job, the schools would not be needing to look for ways to cut costs. In my opinion, rhis is one of the craziest ideas regarding schools.

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