Sunday, April 25, 2010

Happy Thoughts. . .

I just need to acknowledge the great people that give me something to smile about. It is fairly well known that I waitress on the weekends. One of my co-workers is an incredible person. She has sixteen year old quadruplets, whose father left just weeks after their birth. She has great kids. I could only hope that a portion of today's kids turn out half as great as these four.

Occasionally, one of her kids will come in and help out at the restaurant. Today, her son Lucas came in. Lucas is a great kid. At the start of this school year, I had him in an English class I was subbing for. He introduced himself and said his future goal was to go into politics so that he could help get child support laws changed, so that single moms wouldn't have to work so hard. What sixteen year old thinks of this? Today, Lucas worked with us. He was working to donate his pay to St. Baldricks. Our employer matched his pay for donation. This is the same kid, who at Christmas didn't want gift, he wanted to send care packages to soldiers i Iraq.

Hats off to his mother. All four of her kids are wonderful. It makes me happy to think that our future is including great kids like these. It was just something that made me smile for the day. In today's world, we need all of the smiles we can get.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Happy Ho!liday! WHAT?!?!?!?!

As I was told this morning in my first hour class, "Happy Holiday!" What?! I was completely caught off guard. Now, I've been around the block and I know that 4/20 is similar to a National Pot Smoking Day. I do not understand it, or condone it, but the students today were awful hyped up about it. 420, 4:20 or 4/20, is a number used by many to denote smoking marijuana and pot. Apparently, this was start in the seventies by hippies who would meet at 4:20 in the afternoon to gather and smoke pot. How on Earth this came to be an "unofficial holiday" is beyond me.

I was shocked and sickened by the number of students walking around and discussing their plans for after school. Are they crazy? I interrupted a conversation out of my own curiosity. Apparently, some brownies and cookies have been made with pot for this party. Where on Earth do you bake these without your parents smelling them? Or don't they smell? I just returned from a week in Jamaica (where marijuana is plentiful), and that smell is horrific and gives me an instant headache.

So in all reality, it is just an excuse to smoke marijuana. Some people used the day to lobby for the legalization of the drug. In a poll conducted by the Associated Press and CNBC, 55 percent of Americans oppose legalizing marijuana and only 33 percent support it. Those numbers flip flopped for people under 30 with 54 percent in favor of legalizing the drug and 39 percent against. So all in all, it is an excuse for young people to use drugs.

I would have thought the police or the school deans would have been a little more aware of what was happening today. I overheard kids saying they would be getting so high that they wouldn't make it to school tomorrow. Yet, year after year, this "holiday" continues. These people probably already use on a fairly regular basis, but now it becomes a party a friends are introduced to it. I must say, it is really a frightening day.

Friday, April 9, 2010

How long are you going to wait????

My husband and I are leaving for Jamaica on Sunday. I have been packed for over a week. He still has not begun packing. Yes, I admit to being a little obsessive-compulsive, but we are going to a country in which I do not know If I can buy whatever I forget.
I packed a week ago. I have already unpacked and repacked to make sure I have everything. I even pack an extra toothbrush. I am a bit neurotic. I have an entire bag dedicated to emergency medical. It has band aids, antibiotic ointment, antibiotics, pain pills, and even temporary tooth filling material. This is just some of the contents. I know it sounds crazy, but it costs about twelve dollars for a box of band aids in a gift shop, so I have them. Once, while in Mexico, my husband paid fifteen dollars for a pair of nail clippers. So, I have everything but the kitchen sink.
He, on the other hand, has nothing. Now, keep in mind, that I pack everything but his personal belongings. I have all the necessary shower items and tanning lotions, etc. . . I keep bugging him to get moving. Last night, he did look in his closet and try on a pair of khaki shorts. Go figure, they didn't fit. So now, it is Friday night, and we have a big date at Kohl's. I know he will wait until Saturday night to really pack. It just makes me crazy.
I admit, I am a little extreme, but what causes others to be so lackadaisical? Not just in packing, but in every day life. Why put off what you can do today?

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Illinois - the we don't care about the people state

We are in serious need of fixing our state. Due to lack of funds for education, The Philip J. Rock Center and School will run out of money to pay it's employees. The school is a year-round residential program located in Glen Elyn. It opened in 1978 and houses legally blind and deaf people, as well as severely disabled people, through the age of 21. It is the only blind-deaf school in the state.
The director of the school says that the program is 100% funded by the government. With the government cutting back, the school will close. The school provides education, therapy, and even housing to some students. The state owes the center 1.7 million dollars, which is half of it's annual funding. It makes me sick to think that these students will have to turn elsewhere. Fourteen of them live at the center. Their families are faced with the problem of trying to find care and education for their children. Doesn't every person have a right to an education? Or is that taken away when you are blind and deaf, and the government doesn't care about you?
How about a charitable donation? School districts that have $3.7 million to spend on football turf should step up. Not that they should have to, but let's be realistic. Our country can raise ridiculous amounts of money to send to other countries in need, but our state can't provide the money that is due to our much needed schools. It's really time that we find a good honest leader for our country. We need to cut out the nonsense in America and start to improve our government and country.

The turf is green - but 3.7 million dollars of green?

Seriously, a school district can afford $3.7 million for artificial football turf? School district 230 strikes again. They have approved this spending for it's three high schools. Andrew, Stagg, and Sandburg High School will all be getting new synthetic turfs. Again, an educational institution spending a heck of a lot of money on non-educational things.
The purpose of the turf is to replace the grass which requires a lot of maintenance. I understand the idea of saving on maintenance, but how long will it take to recover the $3.7 million that is needed upfront? The downfalls of keeping the grass is that it can get muddy can cause rescheduling of football games. Is this the end of the world? Probably not. The schools have had grass and maintained it up until this point, but now, when our economic situation is in ruins, the school can budget $3.7 million. I just don't understand.
School board member's have a weak defense. They state that the field can be used for other things, like graduations, etc. . . Have they seen the sizes of the graduating classes from their schools? I would love to see all of Sandburg's seniors on the football field with their families in the stands. It's not a likely scenario. This is why they graduate out of larger places such as the Midwest Amplitheater or Rialto Theater. They also claim they will rent the turf out to the community and it will create revenue. Like everything. turf will eventually have wear and tear. .. . who will be responsible? The schools. That's what you get for renting out space. . you are the keeper and the landlord. Therefore, you are the responsible party. I can't say I agree with this approved spending.
I've heard students complaining about this as well. They want air-conditioning for their gyms. This somehow seems more reasonable. I can tell you from experience, that packing all of Andrew High School into the gym on the first day of school with no air is unpleasant. Not only the gyms, but some of the classrooms at Andrew and Stagg have serious heating and cooling problems. Wouldn't it make more sense to correct some of these issues before throwing out the green for turf?

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Please, let it be someone with good english. . .

Okay, I love English Language Learners, I really do. I have written fabulous things about them. I think they are wonderful and inspirational. but I do have a hang up. Until they have progresses far enough in their communication skills, they should not be given jobs that require communication! Just in the past two days, I have had several issues.
My first problem occurred with my insurance company. I had a question regarding a medical claim that was denied. I dialed Blue Cross/Blue Shield in the City of Chicago. The majority of the conversation was comprised of "What?" and "Pardon?" Even after explaining my question, I don't think it was understood. The bits and pieces of information that I did understand did not even come close to answering my question. I got so frustrated I called back and thankfully someone else answered the phone.
Next, I was at Governors State University, working on a paper for a class. I was having an issue trying to get the header and the page number to stay in place at the same time. They kept voiding each other out. I went to the help desk., A very nice young Indian man nodded like he understood. He went o my computer and I explained again and showed him my problem,. Well lets just say I understood nothing but "Hmm..." He walked away and came back with a handout on APA style writing. Thanks, but I had the whole Manuel next to the computer.
My third problem came while trying to find out information about a construction loan. I called several banks and was redirected to toll free numbers. I have no idea where I was calling, because I don't think it was anywhere in America. I had a heck of a time trying to interpret what the woman was asking. I don't think I should go along with any terms of a loan that I couldn't understand.
Really, I am trying to be nice. I am sure all of these people were intelligent, but they need a job that doesn't require them to actually speak directly to people. Could they work via computer, or do a different job?

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Do They Give Degrees in Fearing For Your Future?

This is supposed to be an exciting time in the lives of college graduates. I am seriously getting the impression that it is not. With thousands of students graduating from college in Illinois this year, they face the reality of the real world - and a disaster of an economy. I have spoken with two student teachers this week that are convinced they will not be teaching this upcoming year. I know people that are graduating with an MBA, and are going to continue waiting tables. What does our future hold for these graduates?
Look at it from an employers standpoint. 4,500 applicants for one single job opening. Of course, there are always employers who will look to hire someone for the least salary possible, but experience is priceless. Many college graduates are leaving schools with little or no job experience at all. Do they even have work ethics? I am sure they will work for less money, but will their lack of experience cost the company in the long run? Hiring someone who has experience lessens the risk of errors caused by lack of background and experience. This, however, will cost you in the pocketbook. Those people with experience have a lot more to offer a company from education, training or on the job skills. This experience is going to cost the employer some money. So, which way is the right way to go?
I am currently earning a Masters In Education. Is it the wrong thing to do while seeking employment still? Will a school turn me away due to my education affecting my salary? Will this put a hitch in the education system? Who wants to go to school and earn a degree that they can't use? Who will continue their education in a field where they cannot get a foot in the door? Hopefully, our economy will turn around soon In May, the unemployed work force will grow yet again. College graduates are eager to get married, have kids, and start families. Are they supposed to do this while paying back their college loans on their "burger flipping" salary? The next few years of graduates are really going to have to market themselves. What is it that they will do to make themselves stand out in that group of 4,500 applicants?

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Priceless Donations

"What is that?" - You may be asking regarding this picture. Very simple, they are kidneys. Most people have two, but you can live normally with one. Some people have non-functioning kidneys and require dialysis while waiting for and organ donor. 84,000 people in the United States are waiting for a donor kidney. Sadly, only 15,000 transplants happen every year. There is new hope for those waiting.

WGN news did a segment last night on live donors who donated to a complete stranger. The medical field is hoping to start an epidemic of donators. I am inspired by this segment. In a web poll, 76% of the people state that they would donate an organ to a complete stranger. If this is true, why are there so many people waiting still?

It is important to understand the donation process. Either the organ comes from a deceased person, or a live donor. Either way, the organ must be a match via blood and tissue. It's not so easy to find a perfect match. Many factors are taken into consideration regarding the health of the person donating. This rules out many people from donating. The average wait for a kidney is 5-7 years. Some people will not live to see the transplant ever happen, They are waiting for an organ everyday, and just hoping there is a match.

In Chicago, four people have stepped forward to donate one of their kidneys to a complete stranger. These acts of kindness are inspiring. After donating, a person will live normally with one kidney. People in need of a kidney only have so many options for live donors. Obviously family and close friends can donate, but there is always the possibility that none of them match. As a person on a waiting list for an organ, this gives me hope. It seems that family members of the recipients (who were not good matches) are so inspired that they are willing to donate to another perfect stranger, if they match.

I think I am baffled by the numbers of people waiting for a donor. If 76% of America is willing to donate, then where are they? Why is there such a long wait to receive a kidney when there is such a large pool of people to choose from? Granted, some of them may not be "healthy" donators, or some may not match, but with our huge population, this list should be so much shorter. I hope this segment on the evening news will inspire more people to step forward and make this priceless donation.

Friday, March 26, 2010

Here is a man that is not making my day so sunny after all. Governor Pat Quinn has proposed laying off 17,000 teachers this year. No, that is not a typo - 17,000. How can this possibly be a good thing? This is all in proposal of helping the state's deficit. In addition to letting teachers go, the Governor is planning on reducing child care assistance for the poor, and cutting back on state troopers, and raising taxes.
Let's be logical. The state's unemployment is ridiculously high. Won't it be even higher when you are letting go of this many teachers and troopers? Won't the state be paying for tens of thousands of people collecting unemployment checks? Poor people need child care assistance. They are out scraping for jobs to support their families, and they need help with child care. When you take that away, children will be unsupervised, and bad things could happen. But you cannot call the police because they will be cut back and will not have time to address smaller problems that could potentially be harmful issues. I just don't understand.
As if this is not enough, Governor Quinn. He is looking to decrease the government support for each school child by 11%. Classrooms will be overcrowded with lack of materials. This is the quality of education that we are suppose to provide for the future of Illinois? Does he not care because he will be old and dead by the tie our students are the ones running the state? As a teacher, I think this is absurd. Maybe the government should look twice at the dirty politics and figure out where our tax money is going. Raising taxes on top off all of these cutbacks will still leave the state short in recovering it's deficit. Governor Quinn needs to step back and take a look and possibly a giant salary cut of his own. Perhaps he should cut out some of the useless government people and stop taking away from the education system.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Four Day School Weeks. . Sounds Great - Or Does It?

The state of Illinois is considering four day school weeks for students. It sounds wonderful in many ways until we really think it out. Having a four day weeek would mean that students have longer hours on those four days. The object is to save money on transportation, building operating costs, etc. Still, one would think that less school and less work time for teachers would be great, but it's not all that it's cracked up to be.
From the student's standpoint, less school in any way is usually a bonus. Think about the teacher you dislike most. Now, instead of spending fifty minutes in their class, you will spend ninety. Will you survive?Remember how it would really stink to have football practice or a game after school? Well, if you are in school until 5:00 insteaf of 3:00, you will be getting home from practice at 8:30 instead of 6:30. Since you spent an hour and a half in each class going over new material, I am sure you have a lot of homework. After school job? No way. You would spend nine hours in school and rush off to work a few hours that remain in the day. This is not leaving much for your social life. Sure you will have a three day weekend, but let's be realistic. I've seen the zombie in some off you after long weekends. You can't get it together. In addition to a longer school day, there is talk of a shorter summer break. True, summer break was intended so that the children could help out on the farm. I am willing to bet that most students do not live on farms, but they sure do enjoy their summers off. You won't anymore.
Teachers, it's not looking too sunny either. Lesson plans galore. You will need to ensure that you can keep yor students busy for one and a half hours. Some teachers are used to block scheduling, but many are not. Plans that you have used over the years will need revamping. This also means that daling little Johnny, who drives you crazy, in your 3rd period class will be sure to give you a pounding headache when you almost double the time you spend with him. Will you have a nervous breakdown? A longer day at school means that you will need someone to take care of your own children while you are away longer each day. Do you still want to coach sports? You will be living at he school more than at your own home. I know, as a teacher, I love my summer vacation. Sometimes we need it to refuel our batteries for the upcoming school year.
It is only a proposed idea, but I can't see it getting too far. Going to a four day week would bring problems for working parents to find childcare for younger students on the fifth day. Are all kids supposed to go to the doctor and dentist on Fridays now? They will be closed by the time the school day is over. If the state of Illinois would get their act together and do their job, the schools would not be needing to look for ways to cut costs. In my opinion, rhis is one of the craziest ideas regarding schools.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Hockey or fights?

Can someone please explain how this sport became so barbaric? My husband is an avid hockey fan. He played in high school, and currently plays on a men's league. I have never been a hockey fan. I don't like the sport, I think the fans are obnoxious, and I don't know why fighting has become part of the game. I have never actually watched my husband play hockey. I am just not interested. He came home last night telling me that he almost got into a fight during the game.

Apparently, he felt that he was tripped by another player. Well, before you know it, helmets are being thrown down, and words are being exchanged. Other players have to break this up. Then what happens? NO fight, and he is sent to sit in a penalty box. Common sense would tell a player that a fight is going to get broken up immediately, and consequently, they will miss playing time as punishment. So why even bother?

There are fights in many sports, but it has become a part of hockey. Can't they just play the game, be good competitors, and be done? Why is it necessary to take cheap shots at each other and start fights? Does it make them feel manly to be taken off the ice to sit in a penalty box? It's like giving a child a time-out. My husband tries to explain this to me, but I don't understand. He is correct in saying that if someone came up to me and started bumping into me unnecessarily, I would be right back in their face. However, this is different. Hockey is a physical sport. If these boys can't handle the abuse, maybe they shouldn't play.

I had to try and rationalize this with my husband. Ultimately, he was the aggressor. Did he think this out? What if they got into an ugly fight, and he was injured? Then he wouldn't be playing hockey, he would be unable to work, and that would snowball a whole new set of problems. He didn't seem to get it though. He just kept saying that it would have been worth it, because the guy was a jerk. Personally, I am starting to feel that anyone who gets on the ice and starts a fight, should just be taken out of the game. A few minutes in the box never seems to end it. I can't seem to rationalize why hockey has become so aggressive. Do people watch the sport for the hockey, or for the fights?

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Are Those Things Just Painted On?

Hello? Are those things painted on? I find myself asking this question more and more. Come to find out, it's not just me. I've noticed lately that people are just ignoring others when being spoken to. I don't now if their minds are focused on economic hardships, or if the entire world is in a dreamy state, but "Hello!!! I'm talking to you!!"

For instance, when I am substitute teaching, I usually do not know enough of the kids to visually take attendance, so we do role call. The room is dead silent, the only voices are mine (calling names) and a single student (saying "here"). It goes something like this: "Mike?" "Here." "Jenny?" "Here." "Tom?" no response. "Tom Robinson - not here." "Alex?" "Here." "Jorge?" "Here." "Did you call Tom Robinson? Because I'm here." Well, let's see, I called your name twice, you did not answer. You don't have a hearing problem, and the room was quiet. PAY ATTENTION! I've spoken to other substitutes who laugh about this same problem.

When I'm not substituting, I am a waitressat a pancake house. Here is that scenario. "Good Morning, how is everyone today?" Four blank stares. Okay, maybe they need some coffee to open there eyes and ears. "Would you like coffee or something to drink?" Hello walls. is anyone listening? I have literally walked back into the kitchen and asked other people if there is something on my face, or a reason people are just giving me blank stares instead of responses. They assure me there is nothing on me, and people have just been in their own worlds. I'm not asking anyone to be overwhelmingly nice, but could they say yes, even if they forget the please?

Then there's ,y husband. As stories go, husbands have tuned out their wives voices. "What day do you have hockey this week?" Hello? Maybe I should talk to the dog. At least he's looking at me. "Hello?!" "Oh. did you say something?"

I can't help but wonder. I don't think my voice has changed, or I am hard to hear. If anything, I am accused of being loud. So, I just don't get it. I see two ears, but I am wondering of they work. . .

Friday, March 12, 2010

A Dog's Life

I'm an animal lover. Who can resist a smiling face like this one in the photo? Meet Schmootski, a.k.a Bubba, my mom's Peek-a-poo. This is a prime example of animals that really have a good life. I spoil my dog rotten. While having dinner with a friend, we were discussing the stresses of life. He said that he was lying awake the other night, when he looked over at his dog and realized that some animals have just got it made.

Why do we spoil them rotten? Is it because they give love unconditionally? Is it because they listen to you and don't talk back? I don't know what it is, but I have often said in my next life, I want to be a dog in my own home. I grew up with dogs in the house, and I 'm starting to wonder what it was that made us spoil them. My parents had two children to spoil, wan't that enough? I suppose it would have it's drawbacks, but if I could wash away the stress in my life and just have a dog's life, I would.

Take Bubba , for instance. Her day starts around 8:00 a.m., when she decides to roll out of bed, which is really my parents bed, but she fails to recognize this. She strolls into the kitchen, hoping that someone will share their breakfast. Then she goes to bask in the sun that shines through the patio door. Perhaps, followed by a little nap. Then, if she's lucky, she takes a ride in the car, to the bank or the gas station. She insists on driving. She must sit on the driver's lap. If she goes through the drive through at the bank, she gets a cookie. Yawn. . . well that must have been exhausting because she goes home, and curls up on a recliner for a nap. When rejuvenated, she goes for a walk. This is followed by yet another nap. She wakes up for dinner, and then goes back to her spot on the recliner for another nap before bed. What a life. Now you understand why she smiles for the camera.

Even my own dog is spoiled rotten. He sleeps in our bed, despite my husband's complaints that he stretches out wherever he feels like it. He has breakfast, is driven to "doggy day care" (Grandma's house), where he plays all day and is spoiled. Then he gets picked up after school, comes home and plays and chews his bones and off to bed. This is the life.

I suppose there are drawbacks such as waiting to be let out, or relying on someone to feed you, but it sure beats getting up and dealing with the daily stress of human life. Not all animals have it this good, but that's why I wouldn't mind my second life as a dog, as long as it was in a loving home.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

English Language Learners

I wasn't quite sure how to react when I received my daily substitute schedule. I had three sections of English Language Learners (ELL). I speak English, that's it. I can ask where a bathroom is in Spanish, and can count poorly in French, but after that, I'm clueless. Knowing that I would more than likely have mostly Polish, Lithuanian, and Arabic speaking students, I thought for sure it was going to be an interesting day.
One of the classes only had six students in it, and they were typing personal narratives on a great challenge in their lives. I admit, I was grateful that there was not a lot of interaction on my part, because some of the students had such thick accents and were struggling to find the correct words to tell me something. They were such nice kids, but you could feel the frustration growing when we struggled to communicate. I felt horrible and did my best, but it was really hard. I can only imagine how they feel. They turned in their narratives, and five out of the six students wrote about how difficult school was because of language barriers. Granted, the grammar was horrible, and I had to really think about what they were trying to say, but they were written fromt eh heart. They are trying to take academic courses in government, but when the teacher speaks, they don't know many of the words, and when they read, they still don't understand. I felt for these kids and their frustrations.
My other two courses were a level higher and they were working on grammar packets. Only around ten students, but between them, they spoke five languages, and little English. The thing that amazed me most was their desire to learn. They had packets which would ask them to circle the correct verb. If they guessed wrong, and I told them, the "Why?" questions kept coming out. In all honesty, as an English teacher, I was baffled. They wanted to know why some words were spelled certain ways, and why vowels sounded the way they do. Simply to me, because it is English. and that's how it is. For them, it wasn't enough. Everything needs a reason in order to make sense. I get that now, but it was really hard to explain every little detail to teenagers.
These kids were amazing. They kept pushing for more knowledge, and were so excited when they got a word right, or learned a new word. I don't recall any of the foreign language courses having students so excited over learning French, Spanish, or German. For these kids, it was a matter of survival in America. They wanted to fit in while in high school, and get jobs, and learn things, but without knowing the language, it was really tough. I admire their resilience and determination and wish it would flow into the rest of the school!

Friday, March 5, 2010

Facebook - a disaster in the works!

Can someone please explain the Facebook frenzy to me? My friends, my sister, my husband, students seem to be attached to it, and I just don't get it. I don't understand how it is a way to reconnect with people. If you really cared about a person, you would have kept in contact with them over the years. If, out of the blue, you decide you want to talk to someone after five, ten, even twenty years, then pick up the phone and call them. I feel like Facebook just allows people to secretly spy on your life. If there was a way to hide from your past, there isn't anymore. There is no privacy involved. I don't have a Facebook page, yet my picture appears on other people's pages. I don't want to be "tagged" as they call it, to anyone for public display. If you want to see me or talk to me, pick up a phone or look me up, there is probably a reason we didn't keep in contact.

The trouble caused by Facebook has been endless. Teen alcohol abuse, inappropriate photos, people talking trash. . . and today, I heard the best, Facebook Divorce. It's bad enough that people say things or do things that they shouldn't, but to post it for the world to see, opens a can of worms. Truth or not, Facebook has created bad images for people. People have lost jobs, gptten suspended, and ended relationships because of it. If people stayed off Facebook, they wouldn't be posting their business publicly to be scrutinized. The next thing yo know, someone maks a comment about a photo and words get ugly, then who knows what happens from there. The end result is disaster.

To those who are addicted to Facebook, tell me why. You don;t have a phone, or don't see people, which is it? If that's the case there is email. Direct it personally, not publicly. True, you may be able to post information to many people at one time, but email works as well, and this way it is directed only to those who you want viewing it. I am told you can block your Facebook and select who can view it, but doesn't that defeat the purpose of making yourself available to reconnect? I will continue to see people in person, or keep in touch via email or telephone. The Facebook world is just more trouble than it is worth!

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Is this normal?

Shocked, insulted, and disgusted. Those three words best described my feelings at school last week. I was substituting at Stagg High School in Palos, when steam must have been pouring out of my ears. Every single day, at the start of second hour, the Pledge of Allegiance and the daily announcements come on over the intercom. Every day that I have worked in a school, the class rises for the pledge. This particular day, not one of thirty students rose out of their chairs, or stopped talking. I didn't know just how to handle the rush of emotions that came over me. I recited the pledge, and took the time of the announcements to regroup.
The announcement were over, and this room of thirty high school seniors were still chattering away. I went back to the already closed door, opened it, and slammed it so loudly that I swear, the walls shook. They all shut up and looked at me. I started yelling, "I cannot believe that not one of you stopped talking, or stood up to recognize the Pledge!" Their response, "We never do." I actually chewed them out for what is a great shame on the classroom teacher. I told them that they were seniors in high school, and for the last twelve years, I was fairly certain that this was a daily routine in the classroom. Another smart remark, "You never asked us to be quiet." I thought as seniors, they knew when the bell rang, it was time to sit down and begin class. I must have ranted about this for five minutes, expressing my clear disgust. Was I going to be called their "crazy substitute" the next day? I didn't care.
My classroom rule used to be that if you didn't want to recite the Pledge, you at least stood and shut your mouth. You are, after all, living in this country. Our country may be going through rough times, but this is America, land of the free. These students must not recognize how great it is to be living in a country like ours. Regardless of race, nationality, background, etc. . . I think that if not for themselves, they owe it to the men and women that fight for our country to stand up for sixty seconds. I will tell you that those students either thought about what I said, or were just plain afraid that I might snap, because you could have heard a pin drop for the remainder of the class. What would make a teacher think it wasn't important for her class to recognize the Pledge of Allegiance? I did leave a rather harsh note for her regarding my dissatisfaction. Am I wrong?

Friday, February 26, 2010

It's Called A Killer Whale For A Reason. . .

Horror has struck again. A killer whale at Seaworld attacked and killed one of it's trainers. The 12,000 pound whale caught hold of the trainer and thrashed her around until she drowned, witnesses say. There is much speculation as to what to do with the whale. I thought it was obvious. . .
It is a show whale that has caused three deaths. Is there anything to be said for the old line, "Three strikes and you're out"? Humans don't get that sympathy. Granted the other deaths had questionable circumstances, but this was one of Seaworld's most experienced trainers. I would question a person's reasoning for wanting to be around anything whose name involved "killer". Knowing that this particular killer had killed before, I would have no interest at all in it's involvement. There are trainers willing to go back in the pool with that whale. I don't understand.
This is a wild creature. When you take it out of it's natural surroundings, anything is possible. Shame on us for using this whale for entertainment. From this standpoint, we can't blame the whale. I am not sure, but releasing this whale to it's natural habitat would probably kill it, as it would never survive. Again, not it's fault. Would it really be inhumane to kill it? I don't know. How many more people will it kill? Whales live for sixty years. I'd much rather see the whale go than a human.
The only hope for it, is to keep it as a stud. It is the only male whale they have. If temperament is genetic, what good is it? We are then creating more killer whales. I can't stress the killer part enough. What were people thinking when they thought it was a good idea to swim with a killer whale? Would you climb into a tank with a poisonous spider, or a grizzly bear? I sure wouldn't.
The question has become what to do. I don't mean to sound heartless. but I'm not so sure that it is safe to keep this whale alive. If we can't set him free, and he is a danger to people, what options do we have?

Monday, February 22, 2010

Drug testing at School

It's quite interesting to listen to the comments from students regarding drug testing at school. Marist High School has proposed mandatory drug testing, which has left many students and parents outraged. Marist, being a private school, is sticking to their statement: "It's not about getting kids in trouble, it's about the Marist family."
Some students and parents support it. They think it is great, and if the students have nothing to hide, they can prove it. Parents today would love any help they can get in raising their children. We live in a society with much temptation, it is so easy for a student to fall through the cracks. Some students really don't mind giving up a hair follicle. They think it would be great to get the drugs and users out of school. It is, after all, a learning environment and if you come to school with drugs or alcohol in your system, you take away from education, and potentially harm others.
Students are claiming it's a waste of money. Let's be honest. It's a private school - they can afford a $45 drug test with all of the tuition they are charging. Do these students really care about the money, or are they hiding something? Only they know for sure, and the test will prove it. Other students complain that it is an invasion of privacy. It;s illegal for students to use drugs or alcohol at their age, so doesn't that eliminate any privacy factor?
These drug test will check for alcohol, marijuana, ecstasy, PCP, etc. This has brought a lot of heat to the school board. Parents state they will fight it, while others back the proposal 100% What do you think?

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Cutting Back? Look Again. . !

We all know about zero hour at high schools. Students come in, on their own will, to take a course before school even starts for the day. This gives them the opportunity to take an extra elective, such as foreign language or music courses. I nearly choked when I read about Lincoln Way High School's decision to "do away" with zero hour, and offer it as an additional tuition.

The goal was to cut back on expenditures in the schools. Apparently, the state owes the Lincoln Way district over 5 million dollars in promised grants. Other cuts include eliminating staff, both instructional and administrative, eliminating deans, eliminating courses and other things the school has not thought too much about, in my opinion.

If the school now is a high ranking school, something must be going right. Here's the problem: Nowhere does the school discuss cutting back on athletics. Now, I don't want to rain on anyone's parade, but let's think about this clearly. If the school offers less programs, makes classes larger. eliminates deans, and gets rid of great programs such as the trades/building program, they will save big money. This cuts down on the range of diversity in students courses, gives a greater student to teacher ratio, and leaves more room for students to get into trouble, because there will not be enough staff to handle it. Hello, athletics. Is it costing the school nothing for coaches, transportation, uniforms, equipment, and maintenance of fields and gyms? This is a school, not a gym. I love sports as much as the next person, but something isn't adding up.

The upside is that you can still take a zero hour course - but it will cost you $500 per year. Well, I'm no math major, but assuming a family has two high school students that take zero hour, that's $1000 per year for high school courses.This is outside of all other school fees. Many students are not buying into this program. Not that they want to get up early anyway, but now, their out the chance to take an extra elective, and more limited in the remainder of the courses offered to them. I am frustrated by this. As a teacher, I can't see why some schools look so deeply at their athletics to be blinded by the fact that this is an expense. I would much rather see the school have a high success rate than see a school with a state pennant.

Paying for zero hour is an outrage. Kids want to go to school and learn. They are essentially punished because some families cannot afford to send them, Our economy stinks right now, everyone is hurting, but now we are throwing education into the quicksand, I don't understand. . .

The Olympics - Special In More Ways Than One

It is with great pleasure that I can say I was able to view the Olympics this year. Perhaps I did not travel to Canada, but I did get a chance to see the Andrew High School Special Olympics team play basketball.
I substitute teach at Andrew High School. I admit, I was taken aback when my assignment was to work in "Ultima" for the day. This is a division of Special Services, in which I feel I know very little about. The students in Ultima have severe disorders such as downs syndrome, autism, mental retardation, etc. Let me tell you how great each and every one of these kids are. At first, I'll admit, I was scared. I didn't know what I was supposed to be doing. The students had aides which were a big help in leading the class. Each and every task brought a smile a a great sense of accomplishment to the students' faces. Language Arts class consisted of being able to copy a sentence from the board and them being able to read it back to me. It was a huge accomplishment for them. They were so proud of themselves, as I was of them. Then came math. They were able to add the amounts of the coins to tell how much money they had. It was just like a regular schedule of classes, but we worked differently.
When it came to lunchtime,. the kids warmed up to me, as I warmed up to them. They were so excited to tell me about their upcoming basketball game at Richards High School on Saturday. I heard all about their practices, and who was a good player, and past accomplishments. To top that off, many of them were going home after basketball to get ready for the Turnabout dance. Some of them even showed me their dance moves. The energy and excitement was contagious.
After my day ended, I was exhausted. These students drained me, but left me with hugs goodbye and invitations to their game.
Could I resist? Nope. They played their hearts out and won. The excitement was overwhelming. How can these children take such joy in every ounces of life? The other students in the school grumble and complain about so many things, when these challenged students rise above their disabilities and shine like superstars. They students really made me think twice about the small things in life that we take for granted. I have chosen to look at everything as a small task, and not be overwhelmed by the large picture. Each time I complete something small, I will make it my own personal victory and take pride in it. I learned from my kids something deep within themselves: Overcome, and succeed.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Snow Days - Are We Hoping or Not?

Do we hope to see our school name here? With talk of 10-14 inches of snow in the area, I can't help but wonder. Is school going to be closed? Maybe, maybe not.
The take on: "I hope there is school." Graduation will be delayed!! Seniors are looking to get out!! No one wants to stay for one more lousy day, just because of a little snow. If the school does not have air conditioning, who wants to stay for one more sweltering day in the summertime? If we go, maybe we will get out early and the day will count, and we won't need a snow day. I'd rather go to school today, and go to the beach in June. My after school activities will be canceled if there is no school and I was looking forward to the game!
The take on, "Please, let it be a snow day." Thank goodness - I didn't study for my test anyway. I never did finish my homework, this will buy me some time. I hate snow. The bus stop seems really far away when you have to walk in snow. I can go sledding/snowboarding. It's too cold to get out of bed. Yes!!! I would let there be any type of bad weather - as long as I don't have to go to school!
Either way, it is the decision of administration, not students and teachers. What do you think, should we go or stay home? It is a split decision, depending on the personal interests at stake. Let's see what the snow will bring. As of right now, local schools are in session and the after school activities have yet to be canceled. Time will tell, and students will wait anxiously.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Think you're having a bad day?

Do you think you're having a bad day? Do you feel like life is dealing you a poor hand? Think twice. It has been several weeks since the devastating earthquake in Haiti, and the people are still suffering. Many Americans are asking, "Why should we give aid to this country?" This has been a hot topic in many conversations. There have been comments such as, 'Where were other countries when we needed help with Katrina?", and "Our own country is a suffering!" This make people think twice about giving to those in need. Yes it is true, we did not have countries swarming to help the United States after 9/11 or Hurricane Katrina, but weren't we, as American children taught the golden rule? Treat others as you would like to be treated.
As Americans, we are having a rough time in our country right now. However, there are many Americans who are capable of giving, and are financially able to do so. Haiti is a poor country. Many people there worked for a dollar a day. When times are that rough here, we as Americans will have the opportunity to complain. Yes, our country is having economic hardships, but even those who are struggling are not anywhere near the conditions of Haiti prior to the earthquake. Those people are living in makeshift box shelters, and don't have food, water, or medicine that they need. Even here in Chicago, our homeless people on the street beg for food, but there are people in America that can donate to them. They have places for shelter, people donate to the homeless, we have soup kitcjens. Haiti has no means of donating to themselves. I can only imagine what it it is like to be there with the struggles that they are facing.
When the going gets tough, the tough get going. Much of America has. They donated there time, money, and services to help out. We think we have it so bad here in the states, but we as a country could have survived this earthquake without the support of other countries. Haiti cannot do that. For that reason, don't you think that we should be grateful that we can give our help? Americans need to think twice before complaining about our hard times in the United States, and start thinking about how lucky we really are.
Photo taken by Gary Moore -

Monday, January 25, 2010

Does this work?

Okay, I have no clue if this is going to work. I am new to the blogging world. . . So as a trial run, meet my handsome little boy, Oscar. He is very sad that Mommy is working and not playing.